Organic Cascara Sagrada
Organic Cascara Sagrada
Cascara Sagrada is used as an herbal remedy that comes from the bark of a tree called the California buckthorn. This tree grows on the West Coast of the United States and parts of South America. Historically, it was used by Native Americans to treat a host of issues, including:
Digestive problems
Gall stones
Joint and muscle pain
Cascara sagrada is a stimulant laxative. It works by causing muscle contractions in the intestines. These muscle contractions help move stool through the bowels. The bark contains chemicals called anthraquinones that give it its color and its laxative effect. These chemicals react with bacteria in the intestines to stimulate the bowels.
usage instructions
boil 8-12oz spring water, add 1tsp Cascara Sagrada, steep 5-10 mins.